Kugel Architekten, Stuttgart
Senefelderstrasse 102· D-70176 Stuttgart
Fon +49 (0)711-57013455
E-mail: info@kugel-architekten.de

Dipl.-Ing. Nikolai Kugel
Freier Architekt
Senefelderstrasse 102
D-70176 Stuttgart

Member of the "Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg" Kreis Stuttgart
Mitgliedsnummer: 013215

Professional regulations:
Please refer to “Architektengesetz” of Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg

Tax ID number: DE 197565069

Professional Association:
Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg
(“Architectural Association of the State of Baden-Württemberg”)
Danneckerstraße 54
70182 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.: +49-711-2196-0
Fax: +49-711-2196-101
E-Mail: info@akbw.de
Internet: www.akbw.de

Responsible for page content according to § 5 Telemediengesetz:
Kugel Architekten

Website, design and realisation:
Sebastian Zimmermann, Stuttgart

Picture credits:
pro.media Kommunikation, Kufstein
Nikolai Kugel Architekten
Gore Associates


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Links to third-party sites (“Hyperlinks”) do not constitute an endorsement of such third-party sites by 'Kugel Architekten' (KA) and KA is not responsible for the availability of these sites or their content. The hyper linking to these sites is at the user’s own risk.

2. Urheberrecht
'KA' intends to respect applicable copyright-law in all of their publications. In case of accidental copyright infringement 'KA' will remove the object in question from their publication upon notice or respectively provide the object in question with the correct copyright information.

©2019 Kugel Architekten

Date printed: 15.02.2025