Kugel Architekten, Stuttgart
Senefelderstrasse 102· D-70176 Stuttgart
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  • interior perspektive wooden dome
  • perspektive wooden dome
  • view open structure
  • plan view dome structure
  • retractable roof closed
  • retractable roof open
  • perspective retractable roof open
  • perspective retractable roof closed
  • membrane roofing open
  • membrane roofing in action
  • membrane roofing closed

Krasnoyarsk/Siberia, roofing for a skating rink

The russian city of Krasnoyarsk is situated 4100km east of Moskow in the centre of Siberia. Beside the fabrication of aluminium, mining is of essential economic importance. The worldwide operative corporate group Norilsk Nickel is the main sponsor of the new all-saison funpark bobrovy log, opened in 2006. For the skating rink at the valley stations, in summertime used as swimming pool, the options for a fix or a retractable roofing were studied.
The retractable solution refers to the project in Kufstein, which was already realized in 2006, but covering in Krasnoyarsk an area of more than 4000 sqm. The concept of a all-saison roofing, designed for the high snow loads in wintertime, is based on a dome-shaped, optimized wooden structure, supported by a steel ring and V-shaped steel columns, covered with a membrane of glass-PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene).

Date printed: 15.02.2025